Serie "Alu-Guss" von Peha
49 Hits in 12 Categories
- Cover plate... (13)
- Socket outlet (7)
- Switch (7)
- Surface... (5)
- Box, case... (4)
- Push button (4)
- Cover frame... (4)
- Earthing and... (1)
- Hood for... (1)
- Illumination... (1)
- Insert/cover... (1)
- Info-Lichtsi... (1)
- Zubehör für... (12)
- Steckdose (7)
- Installation... (7)
- Aufputzgehäuse (5)
- Taster (4)
- Abdeckrahmen (4)
- Dose,... (4)
- Haube für... (1)
- Werkzeugset (1)
- Info-Lichtsi... (1)
- Abdeckung/Be... (1)
- Einsatz/Abde... (1)
- Beleuchtungs... (1)
Search found the following products:
Surface mounted housing for flush mounted switching device 0090Compare this item |
Peha 00909194 |
133,84 EUR*
per piece
Insert/cover for communication technology 00975694Compare this item |
Peha 00975694 |
168,74 EUR*
per piece
Surface mounted housing for flush mounted switching device 0090Compare this item |
Peha 00906394 |
81,84 EUR*
per piece
Surface mounted housing for flush mounted switching device 0090Compare this item |
Peha 00906694 |
137,71 EUR*
per piece
Cover frame for domestic switching devices 1 00906794Compare this item |
Peha 00906794 |
62,67 EUR*
per piece
Box/housing for built-in mounting in the wall/ceiling 00953094Compare this item |
Peha 00953094 |
43,32 EUR*
per piece
Accessories for domestic switching devices 00907894Compare this item |
Peha 00907894 |
38,86 EUR*
per piece
Accessories for domestic switching devices Other 00904594Compare this item |
Peha 00904594 |
52,38 EUR*
per piece
Surface mounted housing for flush mounted switching device 0090Compare this item |
Peha 00906594 |
95,78 EUR*
per piece
Switch Other Rocker/button Other 00900894Compare this item |
Peha 00900894 |
47,22 EUR*
per piece
Accessories for domestic switching devices Other 00903194Compare this item |
Peha 00903194 |
101,88 EUR*
per piece
Accessories for domestic switching devices Other 00907394Compare this item |
Peha 00907394 |
106,55 EUR*
per piece
Accessories for domestic switching devices Other 00903694Compare this item |
Peha 00903694 |
56,04 EUR*
per piece
Accessories for domestic switching devices Other 00902694Compare this item |
Peha 00902694 |
89,66 EUR*
per piece
Cover frame for domestic switching devices 2 00909094Compare this item |
Peha 00909094 |
134,38 EUR*
per piece
Switch Other Rocker/button Other 00900094Compare this item |
Peha 00900094 |
31,96 EUR*
per piece
Switch Other Turn button (knob) Other 00905494Compare this item |
Peha 00905494 |
128,56 EUR*
per piece
Cover plate for switches/push buttons/dimmers/venetian blind 00Compare this item |
Peha 00901294 |
80,30 EUR*
per piece
Socket outlet Other 1 00909494Compare this item |
Peha 00909494 |
38,37 EUR*
per piece
Socket outlet NEMA 1 00902394Compare this item |
Peha 00902394 |
67,96 EUR*
per piece